
Below you will find a listing of ASSIST's staff with contact information. You can filter by country to see a listing of staff located in your country. If your country is not listed, please reach out to the US team. If you are not sure which team member you should speak with, you can email or reach out to us via our Contact Us page.

  • All
  • Austria
  • Bulgaria
  • Croatia
  • Czech Republic
  • Germany and Switzerland
  • Hungary
  • Lithuania
  • Moldova
  • Poland
  • Republic of Georgia
  • Serbia
  • Slovakia
  • Spain
  • Sweden and Denmark
  • Turkey
  • US Office
Photo of Vaida A, a dark haired woman in a light blue jacket

Vaida Abraškevičiūtė

ASSIST Program Coordinator, Alumni '15


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Dr. Kristina  Arheden

Dr. Kristina Arheden

ASSIST Program Coordinator, Alumni Parent '08, '11


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Staff Placeholder Image Blue background with ASSIST Logo

Dr. Lydia Dachkova

ASSIST Program Coordinator / Bulgarian Reading Association (BulRA)


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photo of Christine D'Angelo

Christine D’Angelo

Director of International Scholar Recruitment

US Office

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Maia Gurgenidze, ASSIST program coordinator serbia

Maia Gurgenidze

ASSIST Program Coordiantor / Director, Unique Learning

Republic of Georgia

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Becky Gilbert of ASSIST Germany

Becky Gilbert

Director of Development, Germany, Austria, Switzerland


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Photo of Ala Gutu, a light red haired woman in a grey sweater

Ala Gutu

ASSIST Program Coordinator / International Study Centre for Educational Opportunities (ISCEO)


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ASSIST Program Coordinator Karla Golja Milevoj

Karla Golja Milevoj

ASSIST Program Coordinator


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photo of Karolina Jiřelová

Karolina Jiřelová

ASSIST Program Coordinator / The Bakala Foundation

Czech Republic

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Christine Klinger

Christine Klinger

ASSIST Program Coordinator, Alumni Parent '16, '22


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ASSIST Country Coordinator in Spain, Sam Lardner

Sam Lardner

ASSIST Program Coordinator


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ASSIST Staff Country Coordinator in Germany, Verna Lautz

Dr. Verena Lautz

Director of Marketing and Family Relations, Alumni Parent '15, '17


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Staff Placeholder Image Blue background with ASSIST Logo

Sasa Markovic

ASSIST Program Coordinator / T&T School of English


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Joanna Martyini

Joanna Martyni

ASSIST Program Coordinator, Alumni Parent '11, '15


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ASSIST Country Coordinator, Leyla, from Turkey

Leyla Merve Kayali

ASSIST Program Coordinator / Managing Director, LMK Consulting


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ASSIST Staff member, Bill Mena

Bill Mena

Director of School Relations

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Kerri Milne

Kerri Milne

Administrative Assistant

US Office

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Staff Placeholder Image Blue background with ASSIST Logo

Jasmina Momcilovic

ASSIST Program Assistant


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Simone Oliver, ASSIST Country Coordinator in Germany

Simone Oliver

Director of Scholar Recruitment

Germany and Switzerland

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Photo of white woman with short reddish blonde hair

Andrea Pordan

ASSIST Program Coordinator, Alumni Parent '04


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Cathy Presnick

Cathy Presnick

Assistant Director of School Relations

US Office

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Debbie Veits

Debbie Viets

Chief Financial Officer

US Office

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Staff Placeholder Image Blue background with ASSIST Logo

Asya Zaharieva

ASSIST Program Assistant


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Laura Ziomek

Laura Ziomek

Development and Orientation Manager

US Office

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